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2015 Reflections from My Journal


Throughout the year I use my journal to record events, to process thoughts, and to dialogue with God. Journaling helps me to remember these things which lends to a more accurate perspective of life. I tend to forget what God has done in my life, things that have happened (both good and bad), and thoughts, goals, and accomplishments.

In the moment when journaling, I benefit by processing my thoughts and staying focused in my prayer life. But if I never went back and read entries, I would lose all that perspective. So, at least during this time of year, I read back through my journal.

I am always surprised at how much I forget. And since I have a young son, I notice how quickly things change in the span of just one year.

Each year it reminds me about things overcome, goals set (some accomplished and some not) and yes, a few regrets.

Would you like to see what I pulled from this years journal? Here are 20 reflections from my 2015 journal:

  1. To begin 2015 I journaled a prayer that included:
    1. Guidance as a husband, father, friend, writer, and any role He placed me in.
    2. Anointing on our family.
    3. Favor on business decisions.
  2. I prayed more intentionally over my son when he was a foster child than now that he is my adopted son. Why do I let the sense of urgency change? I prayed this prayer—”Lord change me. I want to be a man of prayer and ridiculous faith. I want to be a loving husband and a kind father.
  3. Made this entry on 1/14/15 – “Played a lot of basketball this morning. Had good energy. I know one day I won’t be able to play anymore, so thank you God for the days you have given me.” I had surgery for a ruptured tendon on 9/23/15. Three month into recovery I don’t know yet if my basketball days are over.
  4. Who I spend time with is important. I journaled a lot about different guys I hang out with and the influence they are in my life.
  5. Focus is vital. I started a lot of different projects during the year, but finished only a couple. I attribute some of that to a lack of focus.
  6. God’s plans are not always my plans. I began the year planning on moving some things off my plate so I could focus on some of those projects. God had other plans I guess. They are always better.
  7. I get addicted to technology. I think this is a major struggle of our generation.
  8. I prefer a simple model of church. This is what I mean by simple church:
    1. Less program driven and more community driven.
    2. Easier for authentic relationships.
    3. Mission focused rather than attendance focused.
    4. Higher percentage of funds going directly to the mission.
  9. I need to remember that my adopted son has an implicit sense of loss. So change affects him deeply. Remembering this gives me more patience when he exhibits bad behavior.
  10. I have a lot to learn about persistence. Persistence and focus. Good characteristics to pursue in 2016.
  11. When I write down my goals… Many years ago I learned how writing down goals affects my actions. I tend to think that I fall way short of my goals, but looking back at goals I wrote down at the beginning of the year, many have come to fruition.
  12. Time flies by. Don’t we all know this all too well.
  13. God heals. Journaling helps remind me of this.
  14. God responds to our cries. A lot of my journaling is crying out before God. For myself, for my family, for my friends, for His people. It’s good to read how He responds.
  15. God places people in our lives at the right time. Amen.
  16. God’s timing is perfect. Amen again!
  17. Where I am weak, He is strong. He continues to meet me in my weakness with His strength.
  18. Parenting a child from a hard place is a challenge. 
  19. I still need to learn how to abide. I know intellectually that I can rest in Him, but I struggle with living that out.
  20. God is who holds things together. Thank You God. To You Be the Glory!


Looking back helps see the way forward.

About the Author

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I am a longtime Austinite. Married my beautiful wife over 35 years ago. Adopted our son September 2012.
As a small business and nonprofit coach/consultant, I have found my sweet spot. I lean on my varied background of corporate, small business ownership, writing, and pastoring as I work to help small business owners and nonprofit founders build the business they want to have.

  • That is my goal this week to write down things things from 2015. Remember to move Forward. Just like Joshua did with the stones of remembrance and taking them into the Promise Land. Many blessings for you, Danielle, and Luke in the new year.

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