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Are You Available? An Interview with Fred and Dianne Doell [Podcast Episode 010]


You ever know someone that every time you are around them you leave feeling better? That is how I feel about Fred and Dianne Doell. Whether it was when we lived in Thailand, were back on a visit, in an email, or like the privilege I had here to talk to them on Skype, I always feel encouraged. They always see your potential, and they call it out in a positive and uplifting way.

Danielle and I met Fred and Dianne in 2006 when we went to Pattaya, Thailand on a 10 day mission trip. One of those days was spent at Mercy Center, a children shelter, run by Fred and Dianne.

Baptizing a new believer

I know you will enjoy their sense of humor and passion for living out God’s call on their lives. You will also be challenged to look at what you are doing with your own life…but there is nothing wrong with that!

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Show Notes

  • Fred shares a little of their history along with their call to serve in Thailand. I love this quote from Fred, “I was fine with staying in Canada and getting covered up with snow.”
  • Dianne makes a simple but profound statement, “We read what Jesus said to do, and we did that to the best of our ability.”
  • Both Fred and Dianne share how each of their ministries got started. You might be surprised!
  • Here are some of the ministries they began in Thailand:
    • Several churches
    • Meeting needs of people living in slums
    • Prison ministry
    • Children’s shelter
    • Equipping ministry
  • Fred and Dianne share how we can give prayer and financial support
  • Dianne gives an update about their adopted 12 year-old son
  • Dianne talks about my new book—Foster and Adoptive Parenting: Authentic Stories that Will Inspire and Encourage Parenting with Connection
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Contact Information

Living Word Missions – This is where you can support Fred and Dianne Financially

Mercy Center website – http://mercypattaya.com

Church information – http://www.encounterchurchasia.com

Email – fddoell@gmail.com

Facebook (Dianne) – https://www.facebook.com/dianneinthailand

Facebook (Fred) – https://www.facebook.com/fred.doell

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About the Author

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I am a longtime Austinite. Married my beautiful wife over 35 years ago. Adopted our son September 2012.
As a small business and nonprofit coach/consultant, I have found my sweet spot. I lean on my varied background of corporate, small business ownership, writing, and pastoring as I work to help small business owners and nonprofit founders build the business they want to have.

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