
Life Interrupted


Have you noticed how many lives the Christmas story interrupted?  Danielle, my wife, and I have read Advent devotionals each day this month.  Thank you You Version for providing them.  Reading the advent story is blessing me.



I find it fascinating that God had been silent for hundreds of years until angels began interrupting some lives.  Mary and Joseph were engaged for marriage.  But, now she was pregnant with a child!

Elizabeth and Zacharias, nearing 100 years old without ever giving birth to a child, were living a righteous life.  Then Zacharias, a priest, does not believe what an angel tells him.  So, he is unable to speak for 6 months.

Shepherds are minding their own business tending their sheep when the night sky comes alive with a whole host of angels.  And, three wise men seeking wisdom in their worldly way find out that there truly is a heavenly King.

Earthly king Herod tries to prevent this interruption of his kingdom, but God again interrupts the plans of man.  God warns the wise men of Herod’s plan.  The wise men return home by another route.

How do we respond when Christmas interrupts our lives?  Are we so self focused on our things, family and own thoughts that we miss how God has interrupted our lives?  Will we allow the Christ Child to completely alter our route home?

Notice that He does not always interrupt our lives in the same way.  Look at the different ways He used in the Christmas story.  An angel appeared.  A man could not speak.  A multitude of angels appeared.  A star directed.  A dream sent.

Let us worship and give of ourselves this Christmas in a way that will cause us to be in tune with how God is interrupting our lives.  Honestly, I would rather be interrupted by the Creator of the universe than live in pursuit of my own mundane agenda.

Thank You Lord for interrupting our lives over 2000 years ago with the birth of Jesus.  I pray that You will continue to interrupt us today with Your Goodness and Blessing.

Merry Christmas all.

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I am a longtime Austinite. Married my beautiful wife over 35 years ago. Adopted our son September 2012.
As a small business and nonprofit coach/consultant, I have found my sweet spot. I lean on my varied background of corporate, small business ownership, writing, and pastoring as I work to help small business owners and nonprofit founders build the business they want to have.

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