
My Writing Strategy


[quote]Strategy—a plan of action designed to achieve a major or overall aim.[/quote]

I wish I could say that I had a strategy when I began writing. I jumped in with both feet and tried to figure things out as I went. I spent almost a year deciding what to write, how to write, how to publish and market.

So developing a strategy before beginning has not been a part of my journey. However, as I learn, I see a strategy falling into place.

Here are six current components of my strategy:

Write Everyday

Like anything, the more you do it, the better you get. I wrote a blog a couple of months ago about the 500 word per day challenge I accepted for this year. Through four months I have written 41,655 words. If I keep up that rate, by the end of the year I will have written over 120,000 words!

Learn Always

I can’t imagine not learning. There is too much that I don’t know. I do something everyday to learn—read, listen to a podcast, attend a webinar.

Here are a few topics that I currently am learning about:

  1. How to write. A couple of sites that I subscribe to that teach me a lot about writing are: CopyBlogger and GoinsWriter.
  2. Writing tools. I always look for tools that will help me write, blog, and build a platform. I use Scrivener for writing my books. Michael Hyatt is a great resource for all kinds of tools.
  3. Research about my book. I am writing a book about moving Beyond Shame. I read books and articles about the subject. I also am interviewing people about personal experience and professional insight.
  4. Missional topics. I blog about living a sent life. This includes orphan care, missional living, international missions among other related topics. A lot of my material comes from things I learn from other people.

Invite Others

I am learning how to invite people into the process. For my new book, I have invited anyone who wants to join in the process to get the rough draft of each chapter. If that interests you, simply join in by filling out the form found at the top, right, and bottom of the page.

Over 100 people received the Introduction to my book last month. Several gave me some great feedback which will make my book even better.

Use Deadlines

Traditional publishing builds this in with deadlines set by the publisher. If you self-publish, like I have so far, this probably is even more important.

It is too easy to put writing off for a few days which can turn into weeks if you don’t have the pressure of a deadline looming.

Because the book I am writing fits a self-improvement genre, I am aiming for a late December/early January release. Just in time for people making a New Year resolution.

Wow…I feel the pressure! I have a lot of work to do!

Accept Opportunities

So far this year I have written blog articles for different sites, devotionals for my college alumni organization, and copyediting for a nonprofit.

My intent is for now to accept all offers to write that come my way.

This forces me to consider my audience, the genre, and voice which helps expand my writing ability.

Pay Attention

I have yet to struggle with what to write about. I attribute a lot of that to paying attention to what is happening around me in my personal life, my community, and in the world.

Danielle has gotten used to me jotting down a quick note about an idea. I may never use or expound on it, but you never know.

I use Evernote to catalog my ideas and thoughts for blog articles or for a book I want to write.


So there you have it. My current strategy for writing. 

Over the past 18 months a lot of people have told me that they want to write a book. I say, “Go for it!”

Which of these strategies do you think you can use to help you write?

About the Author

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I am a longtime Austinite. Married my beautiful wife over 35 years ago. Adopted our son September 2012.
As a small business and nonprofit coach/consultant, I have found my sweet spot. I lean on my varied background of corporate, small business ownership, writing, and pastoring as I work to help small business owners and nonprofit founders build the business they want to have.

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