
Unmerited Favor


The chapter that I am presently working on is entitled Favor.  As I thought through the past almost three years, I began to see God’s hand of favor over and over in my life.  I could see clearly in hindsight how God was giving me favor with people who had the authority to make decisions that affected our ability to foster and adopt a child.  I could see how God was giving me a positive influence in other people’s life because of what He was doing in our lives.  It was very clear to me that it was not anything that I was doing or represented.  It was all God’s doing.

Understanding God’s favor is understanding His desire to reconcile us to a right relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ.  Then as we are reconciled with Him, He gives us the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-20).  I now truly believe that God wants to have a right relationship with us, then that favored relationship to influence those around us that will ultimately reconcile them to a right and favored relationship with Him.

I can easily struggle with the lie from the enemy that I do not deserve such favor.  Actually, the enemy is right, but not in the way he intends to be right.  God’s favor in my and your life is completely undeserved.  But what the enemy is too prideful to notice is that God does the most incredible thing through His Son Jesus Christ.  God grants us favor or grace in spite of our unworthiness.  This is why the enemy is defeated.  And, it is why every time the enemy means to harm and cause destruction, he can not overcome the power of God’s favor and grace in our lives.

I hope that when you read our story of fostering and adopting, you will be able to see God’s favor extended to us and realize that He desires the same for you.  No matter how bad you have messed up, He can handle it.  Jesus Christ paid the price to cover it so that you can be reconciled to God in a relationship full of His favor.

God Bless.

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I am a longtime Austinite. Married my beautiful wife over 35 years ago. Adopted our son September 2012.
As a small business and nonprofit coach/consultant, I have found my sweet spot. I lean on my varied background of corporate, small business ownership, writing, and pastoring as I work to help small business owners and nonprofit founders build the business they want to have.

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