
Why Did God Create Everything?


Often the question is did God create everything or did it evolved out of nothing? I think that’s the wrong question. The question really should be—Why did God create everything?

Why the beautiful sunsets, mile-long beaches, soaring mountains, ocean depths?

Why did he create interesting animals and millions of types of plants, both wild and tame?

Why did he create the perfect environment to sustain life?

We often ask why we exist. We wonder why we live here on this incredible planet we call home.

Did this person many call God have a reason for creating this earth, these creatures, us?

Why instill in us humans a wish to explore and wonder? Why the excitement over new discoveries? Even after centuries of human existence, we continue to lean more about this world and it’s magnificence.

Either He did create everything for a reason or He is as random as the theory of evolution.

God created everything so that we might know Him.

Whenever He decided to create this world, He did so from a wish to be known. And since that moment, everything He made, everything He has done, is so that we can know Him.

When you sit in awe of that beautiful sunset, or stand at the top of a glorious mountain, or swim through the mysterious sea, what do you wonder about?

When you admire the beautiful details of a newborn do you want to know who made him?

When you ponder the intricate balance in order for us to even exist, don’t you long to know creation’s Author?

He planned it that way.

I know, things happen that put serious doubt in our minds that He really exists. But that never deters Him. He overcomes that challenge time after time with examples of how good comes out of bad. How his overall plan overcomes the plan for evil.

Yes, He could have set things in motion so that it was obvious that He is Creator God. But what is interesting about that. Where is the sacred romantic pursuit of a relationship between Him and us?

He doesn’t just want us to know that He is God. He wants us to really KNOW Him.

And know Him we can as we look at creation through this lens. We get to know His creativity, His passion, His forgiveness, His patience, His emotion, His pursuit. We can go on and on as we learn of His nature through all He has created and revealed to us.

On this Easter weekend when God unveiled His most incredible revelation of all time, what more will you learn about Him?

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I am a longtime Austinite. Married my beautiful wife over 35 years ago. Adopted our son September 2012.
As a small business and nonprofit coach/consultant, I have found my sweet spot. I lean on my varied background of corporate, small business ownership, writing, and pastoring as I work to help small business owners and nonprofit founders build the business they want to have.

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