On April 16, Danielle and I celebrated 25 years of marriage. Amazing. Grace.

It really does feel like it was a couple of years ago, until I see a picture of what I looked like then. Danielle looks almost the same, even better. But where did all my hair go?
Here are 25 nuggets from my 25 years of marriage.
- Companionship. God said that is not good to be alone. He definitely knew what He was talking about.
- Friendship. Danielle is my best friend. Always has been. Even when our marriage was struggling years ago, she was my best friend.
- Holiness. No other earthly relationship develops holiness in me than my marriage.
- Forgiveness. After 25 years of two flawed people living life together, we have had lots of practice at forgiving each other. Not that I am comparing, but Danielle has had more practice than I have.
- Adventure. I am glad that Danielle is adventuresome. We have been in business for ourselves, lived in Thailand for six months, and most recently adopted a foster son.
- Mutual Accomplishment. Every time we do something together I feel closer to Danielle. It does not have to be a big thing. A month or so ago we put together a dresser from IKEA. Now that is mutual accomplishment!
- Accountability. After 25 years, Danielle knows me better than anyone. She strengthens me where I am weak.
- Faithfulness. Danielle is the most faithful person I know. She has taught me a lot. I want no one over Danielle.
- Sharpening. The closeness of marriage has highlighted my strengths and muted my weaknesses.
- Intimacy. Not only physical, which has only gotten better, but emotionally and spiritually as well. Talking and praying with Danielle always leaves me refreshed.
- Encouragement. One of my love languages is words of encouragement. Danielle struggled at first, but after 25 years she nails it.
- Enjoyment. She really is my best friend. I enjoy just hanging out with Danielle.
- Laughter. We love to laugh. I am pretty goofy, and I appreciate the fact that Danielle usually laughs at my silly humor.
- Shoulder to cry on. Having a companion to share burdens lessons the pain.
- Sounding board. I trust Danielle to give me good advice. I have learned to process things with her before I make decisions.
- Dream chaser buddy. This has some components of mutual accomplishment and adventure but much larger. Danielle has taken risks with me more than once to chase a dream.
- Best Friend. Did I mention that she is my best friend?
- Confidant. I know when I confide in Danielle she will not talk to anyone else about the conversation unless she clears it with me first.
- Lover. She is my lover. 25 years has made it richer.
- Trust. I trust Danielle with everything. Who I am and what I have.
- Loyalty. Danielle stands up for me all the time. I hope I do the same for her.
- Grace. You can use this word many ways. Here I use it as Danielle blessing me with her presence. As many have told me, I married way up.
- Mercy. I know this is a lot like forgiveness. But I needed a lot of mercy and forgiveness over our 25 years.
- Acceptance. Even with all of our flaws we learned to accept each other even though we continue to challenge each other to improve.
- Knowing. This word encompasses it all for me. Danielle knows me better than I know myself. And she still loves me. Wow!
In many ways I feel that we are just beginning to reach our sweet spot in our relationship. I am excited about the next 25 years married to Danielle.
What are some nuggets you have from your marriage?