I think we have missed the point for some time when it comes to the reason to do missions around the world. And that isn’t just what we do on the other side of the world. It also applies to our own communities and local region.
Now most Christians are at least familiar with the following verse even if they aren’t sure where it is in the Bible,
[quote]Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.[/quote]That quote is from Matthew 28:19-20a. Many churches and mission organizations use this verse, among others, as a part of their mission statement. We should use the Great Commission as our mission statement.
When I say that we miss the reason to do missions, It’s not that what we do is completely wrong, I think that what we do is only partially right.
The part we get right is sharing about salvation that is found in Jesus Christ that gives someone eternal life with God. That is Good News. It is transformational news.
Where we miss it is what it means to make disciples and teaching them to obey God’s commandments. Part of that is because I don’t think we understand completely how to be a disciple and obey his commands. We are good at understanding biblical principles and possibly memorizing parts of the Bible. But when it comes to living it out in a way that is recognizably different from anyone who leads a moralistic life, well, there just isn’t much difference if any at all.
When we fully live as disciples of Jesus Christ and obey all that He taught us, we don’t just live a “good” life and have our eternal destiny in heaven assured. It is much more impactful than that.
Take off your theological hat for a minute and think with me about the state of the world.
Those of us who live in the United States don’t fully appreciate the generational impact a Christian foundation has had resulting in bountiful and blessed results. We act as if we somehow are more intelligent or civilized than everyone else in the world. I would offer that is one reason we see an erosion of those very principles and blessings.
Think about what is going on in places like Venezuela, Syria, India, Myanmar, and countless other locations around the world. Consider the extreme poverty, human trafficking, corruption, and oppression.
So What Does the World Really Need?
What does the world need? A better political system? Some argue that is the answer. How about more relief efforts from countries that have the ability to provide relief? How well has that worked?
We come full circle. Yes, salvation is what everyone needs. However, not all will accept that gift. But if enough in a nation, a society, a people group will allow God to not only give eternal salvation, but also teach them a better way to live life right now while still alive, then we would see cities transform and leadership that spawns success, peace, and justice.
Here are a few examples of what that looks like:
- People understand that everything belongs to God, so they steward their resources better.
- Compassion for others including widows, homeless, and vulnerable children exists, so these groups are cared for rather than neglected and abused.
- Recognition that every person has value regardless of gender, economic status, or race creates a culture of peace and inclusion.
What does this have to do with the Great Commission?
Everything! This is who God is. He doesn’t just make a way for salvation. His mission is to completely restore His creation to it’s original intended purpose. I agree that this won’t fully happen until Jesus’ return, but that doesn’t mean that God isn’t about this now. Did Jesus not teach us to pray, “Thy Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” That didn’t mean just for some time in the future after Jesus comes back.
What should we do when we go?
Overall we need to go seeking to help fulfill God’s entire mission throughout the world. We share the salvation story, but we don’t stop there. We disciple, but again we need to disciple in a wholistic way. If a people claim a saving faith in Jesus Christ, but their way of life still is corrupt, abusive, and oppressive, then we did not disciple well.
When we go and make disciples of all nations teaching them to obey (follow, apply) all of God’s commands (ways of living), we will then see entire people groups transformed.
Here are some examples of what that can look like:
- We teach them God’s ways.
- We let God’s Word challenge their current worldview.
- As their worldview changes, we explain how this impacts their value system.
- As their values change, we encourage actions that support their newfound values.
- When this happens, this is when we see fruit that reflects the ways of God which heal and restore.
When we approach missions like this, we understand that we have a greater impact and responsibility to working alongside what God’s wholistic intended mission in the world.