Hello! I am Kenneth Camp. I am glad you are here!

My life journey has had many twists and turns. Like you, I imagine, some good, some not so good. 

But I have learned from all of them.

When I was 16, I sensed God's call into full-time ministry. Honestly I didn't understand what that meant or what it should look like. So I followed others advice. 

I got my degree from a small Baptist university and planned to to continue my education at a seminary. That never happened.

But I have served on some church staffs off and on over the years as a youth pastor and a missions pastor.

While serving as a youth pastor in my mid-twenties, I met my wife, Danielle. God answered my prayer to find a wife that was in love with...Him. I had no idea at the time of the wisdom of that prayer and how much I needed a wife that was deeply in love with God.

Over the next 20 or so years, I worked in both ministry and the business worlds. I gained experience leading volunteer teams as well as professional. I discovered and developed talents that included casting a vision, teaching, leading, and innovating. 

As a young teen, I went on mission trips that planted a seed in me that today still influences my life. As young adults, Danielle and I began taking mission trips that eventually led to us moving to Thailand in 2007 for six months to work with a missionary team. We strongly considered making that our life work, but God had another plan.

After serving at a church for three years as a missions pastor, Danielle and I decided to look into becoming foster parents with potentially adopting. By this time we were in our mid to late 40s, so we thought if we did adopt, it would be an older child or children.

But God has a way of doing things different than we expect. 

We did become foster parents, and after I resigned from my pastor's position, we had our first foster placement two weeks before my 50th birthday. 

An eight month old baby boy was placed in our home. The social worker assured me that it would most likely be only for a few weeks. Well that precious little boy is now our son!

That decision led me down a path of developing a couple of areas of expertise...learning about Trauma Informed Care, Neuroscience, etc....and, writing.

At the same time I began serving on a couple of nonprofit boards, one of them a startup for which I served as the board president for five years. 

My writing began with the publishing of my first book, Adopting the Father's Heart

I began blogging about missional lifestyle covering topics like local/international missions and foster care/adoption.

I launched a podcast that featured mainly interviews of people who were leaders, authors, missionaries, and foster care/adoption advocates.

 I published a second book, Foster and Adoptive Parenting in 2016.

I learned how to not only write good content, but how to build a platform, sales funnels, digital and email marketing, etc.

All of these experiences, Nonprofit board service, content creation, writing and publishing, podcasting, marketing/sales, began to create opportunities for me to teach others how to do the same.

That's what brings me to what I do today...

One of the workshops that I am certified to offer, The Purpose Project workshop, teaches a person how to identify how they are uniquely designed and figure out some core themes that a life purpose or mission can be built upon. 

I have discovered one of my core themes involves helping others accomplish their mission. Coaching combines my talents, gifts, and life experiences.

Since 2018, I have coached business and nonprofit leaders helping them start podcasts, write books, develop marketing funnels, and more. 

In 2020 after working for a local startup venture, I began looking at different coaching certifications so I could have access to frameworks rather than coaching strictly from experience and intuition. 

That led me to Business Made Simple Certification. 

With Business Made Simple Coaching I can offer a business or nonprofit leader coaching on every aspect of a business or organization:

  • Leadership
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Product Development
  • Strategy and Execution
  • Talent Hiring and Development
  • Messaging and Communication
  • And more...

If you want to connect and talk about what mission you are working to accomplish, I would thoroughly enjoy that! It is simple to get some time on my calendar. Click this button to see when I am available:

Not sure where to start?

This guide is a great place to start! Fill out the form to get the FREE guide. I will begin sending you weekly emails loaded with free resources that will walk you through every aspect of building a successful business or nonprofit. 

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