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  • Adopting the Father’s Heart

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A vulnerable and challenging look into Gods’ call to orphan care through one couple’s experience with adoption.

Kenneth and Danielle were on a return to overseas as missionaries when God redirected them—at least temporarily. Both felt God leading them to foster with the possibility of adopting. How did they start the process? What were the challenges and rewards?

In Adopting the Father’s Heart, their story informs, convicts, and inspires others to care for the orphans in our community.


If you are considering foster care and possibly adoption, this book will help you:

  • Gain a basic understanding of the foster care system
  • Learn what training looks like
  • Prepare for biological family interaction
  • Understand the impact a foster family has on an at-risk child

If you are not sure whether you should foster or adopt, this book will:

  • Alert you of God’s heart for orphan care
  • Encourage you to care for orphans and at-risk children
  • Inform you of ways to care for orphans and at-risk children other than foster care or adoption
  • Suggest how you can support and encourage those who are fostering and adopting


What others are saying:


[quote cite=”Dr Will Davis Jr, Senior Pastor Austin Christian Fellowship”]As a pastor who is trying to lead my church deeper into ministry in the foster/adoption world, I am thrilled to have Kenny Camp’s book, Adopting the Father’s Heart, as a resource. With gut-wrenching honesty and many helpful suggestions, Kenny walks us through his and his wife’s journey from not being parents to jumping headlong into the emotional roller-coaster ride that is the foster and adoption process. Not only will I give this book to my friends or church members who are seeking to foster or adopt a child, I’ll make it required reading for both staff and volunteers who work in our foster/adoption ministry. Beyond that, Kenny drives home the most important point of all: that fostering and adopting are God’s idea. So when we participate in either, we get to know more of God’s heart. Way to go Kenny. This book will be a great book to many.[/quote] [quote cite=”Lance Bane, Senior Pastor, Gateway Christian Fellowship, West Haven CT”]Kenny Camp is a man that passionately loves Jesus and as a result, deeply loves others. I have personally experienced his gentle spirit and unrelenting heart, and this book captures the spirit of the man as it chronicles the ups and downs of his family’s story. Filled with uncertainty and triumph, this book will encourage you to consider those overlooked in our society. With its practical advice and heart-stirring truths, I strongly recommend the book, based, not solely upon its content, but on the content of the man who wrote it.[/quote] [quote cite=”Jen Reichert, MEd CPMS & Kathryn Schumacher, MSW CPMS, Arrow Child and Family Ministries”]Kenneth writes with honesty and draws a true picture of how the foster care/adoption system actually works. He has a refreshing point of view and in our fieldwork, it is difficult to see the bright side of the child welfare system. However, the Camp’s adoption journey—even with its pitfalls—is an encouraging story.[/quote]


Amazon Reviews

A must read…

[quote cite=”D.A. Spat”]Our family is about to begin the process of becoming certified to adopt through foster care, and this book is an invaluable resource for us. It is incredibly informative in the details Camp shares on each step of the process – from the initial decision to pursue adoption to the final court proceeding. He answers many questions we had and some we didn’t even think to ask. But even more valuable is the honest emotion Camp shares throughout the book. Much of what he writes echoes our very own sentiments, and it was encouraging not only to know that we are not alone in feeling scared and intimidated by what lies ahead, but also to see the beautiful results of Camp’s faithfulness throughout the trying process. I was especially moved by his encouragement to rest or abide in God through the unknown and difficult challenges that arise, because if it is His plan it will happen right in His time. I would highly recommend this book to anyone considering foster care or adoption – and advise them to pass it along to friends and family as well. God has written a beautiful story that Camp has graciously shared in this book![/quote]

Informative and Inspiring

[quote cite=”Matt P”]Kenny Camp chronicles his journey with his wife from seeking God – to God gifting them a son through adoption. The story deals with the raw emotions of those who explore and experience fostering and adoption – both difficult and celebratory. Camp invites you into his personal journey – while giving the information that will be helpful to everyone who is considering fostering and / or adoption. It also gives great insight to how God not only leads us when we allow Him, but also shapes who we are. You will be impacted by this book. [/quote]

Sacrificial Love

[quote cite=”Keith T”]The thing that hit me the most after reading Kenny Camp’s book, “Adopting the Father’s Heart,” was how God provided the ability for Kenny and Danielle to be able to give sacrificial love to Chandler. They were “all in” in giving their love and support to a child that they thought they would have for a brief period, treating Chandler as if he was their own blood child. I appreciate that Kenny takes us through their process of giving over their lives for Chandler, just as Jesus Christ gave His life for all of us. That is truly sacrificial love, as Kenny points out in the book. Remarkable! I would recommend this book to anyone who struggles with being selfish and self-centerred. What the Camps turned over to God helped them to continue to fulfill one of their God-given purposes – foster care and adoption.[/quote]

Practical, informative, and authentic—highly recommended

[quote cite=”Mocha with Linda”]Informative, highly practical, and authentic in sharing both the ups and downs through the process of fostering and adopting a son, Adopting the Father’s Heart is an invaluable resource and source of encouragement. While it is obvious that those who are navigating the fostering/adopting system (or considering it) will benefit from this book, the impact is much broader. Anyone who knows a fostering family will have a new understanding of ways to come alongside that family to provide support and encouragement in tangible ways. Adopting the Father’s Heart is as much a spiritual journey as a familial one. Camp’s open and, at times, gut-wrenchingly honest testimony of his journey will challenge readers to evaluate their own hearts and attitudes toward the least of these. Highly recommended![/quote]


Facebook Comments

[quote cite=”Dawn D”]I grew up with Kenneth A Camp and I read his book this past week. It is a great read for anyone who works with children / students in any setting. I loved reading about the road that God has led Kenny and his wife on. I strongly encourage others to read this book about how to live as a missionary where ever God sets you down. Thanks for sharing your heart Kenny.[/quote] [quote cite=”Lance B”]The church’s voice for pro-life issues has never wavered, but has it been as strong for adoption and foster care? If we do not want women to abort their babies then we need people to be ready to adopt and offer foster care. If you want to know more from someone who has walked that path and has adopted a child then order this book. It’s a gripping story with practical advice while revealing to us God the Father’s heart for orphans written by my friend Kenneth Camp.[/quote]



[quote cite=”LeeAnn L”]Why am I writing you?  I wanted to thank you for writing this book. I plan to use it by making it mandatory reading for families who ask me to be on the short list for the next time I receive “that call”.  I also plan to ask others to read, praying they will be inspired to take on their own piece of the puzzle.  Personally, I have always said, “If I had another lifetime, I would be a child advocate.”  It was while reading your book, I realized I CAN be a child advocate now.  I have already been on the CASA website and am in process of completing the application.  It is my hope, some time in 2014, I will be qualified to serve in some capacity.  I had always assumed it was a full time job, requiring Social Work degree.  When asked, “How did you hear about CASA?” I was quick to indicate your name and book title.[/quote] [quote cite=”S.H.”]When…sent me your link and I began to read the synopsis, I was overcome with emotion. I was so excited, honored for one of “our” foster families to reach out to millions!…Reading your book puts a smile on my heart to know that there are many of us out there working, fighting for those that can’t.[/quote]

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Adopting the Father’s Heart

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