As a foster or adoptive parent, do you feel overwhelmed or alone? Do you try to parent with connection but end up discouraged to the point of giving up?

This encouraging and inspirational book will give you hope to keep parenting with connection to help your wounded child heal.


Foster and Adoptive Parenting available in print and e-book version


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In Foster and Adoptive Parenting you will find:

  • Reinforcement of parenting with connection techniques
  • Real life experiences from the author’s family and other families
  • Tips and advice from professional counselors and an occupational therapist via podcast links
  • Vulnerable and insightful conversations between the author and his wife via podcast links
  • Helpful recommended books and videos found throughout the book

These tips, resources, and stories will help you:

  • Find inspiration and encouragement to keep on parenting with connection
  • Learn practical ways to apply parenting with connection principles
  • Pay attention to what you as a parent bring to the relationship
  • Focus on taking care of yourself so you can help your child heal


What others are saying:


[quote cite=”Robyn Gobbel, LCSW, Founder of Central Texas Attachment and Trauma Center”]Kenneth vulnerably shares his authentic journey toward connected parenting, easily connecting with the reader and letting us all know it’s OK to be human. This truly inspiring and encouraging book offers practical suggestions on how to stay more connected to your child—especially when things are hard.[/quote] [quote cite=”Marshall Lyles, LPC-S, LMFT-S, RPT-S, Attachment trauma therapist and speaker”]Kenneth offers an encouraging blend of vulnerability and humility as he passes on lessons learned in his own adoptive parenting journey to fellow foster/adopt parents. I believe you will feel compassionately understood as he challenges you to always work toward increased understanding of your child.[/quote]

Amazon Reviews

A book to add to your parenting library

[quote]As an adoptive mom of two boys, nothing helps me more than being surrounded by others who understand my situation and the struggles that go with it. As Kenneth Camp says, parenting a child who has experienced trauma is not the same as parenting a biological child. Kenneth takes what he has learned from authors I have also read (such as Purvis, Siegel and others) and relates his and others’ stories of how they have applied this knowledge to their families. His honesty and humility in sharing his triumphs and struggles is like having a dear friend nearby that “gets it” and encourages me to persevere in applying what I’ve learned to become the parent my child needs. I will find myself coming back to this book for refreshment over and over again.[/quote]

Not just for foster parents!

[quote]Maybe you’re not a foster parent. Maybe you’ve never considered fostering or adopting. Why would you read this book? Because hopefully someone within your circle of family and friends *is* fostering, and because you love them, you want to learn what “their world” looks like. What struggles do they face that you’ve never faced? How can you be a better support for them? This book will take you far down that path of understanding as you peek inside the world of fostering through the author’s eyes. The vulnerability and authenticity of this book is refreshing. It isn’t full of ivory tower theories, but rather it is packed with “where the rubber meets the road” guidance and practical help.[/quote]

Amazing and encouraging resource

[quote]As a ministry leader serving foster and adoptive families, I am excited to have such a rich resource full of encouragement AND practical tips designed to help families build connection. This is a must-have resource for everyone who is a foster or adoptive parent, or someone who loves them.[/quote]

Honest and practical

[quote]This is a great resource for any adoptive or foster parent. It is an honest, practical and very encouraging book. Great extra resources available in every chapter you read. It has helped me to reflect on the way I parent and adjust where I could do better.[/quote]

I felt like I was sitting down with Kenneth over a cup of coffee…

[quote]I felt like I was sitting down with Kenneth over a cup of coffee and talking about raising a child. It is raw and honest and gives practical help.[/quote]

 Click the Link below to order today!

Foster and Adoptive Parenting: Authentic Stories that Will Inspire and Encourage Parenting with Connection

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