
Why Living Water?


At least 783 million people lack access to an improved source of drinking water—that’s 1 in 9 of us.

(WHO & UNICEF 2012. Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation 2012 Update.)




I am on a team of 12 that is soon joining Living Water International on a well-digging trip to Honduras. I have been on several short-term mission trips, but this is the first of this kind.

My good friend, Stephen Fain, invited me to go with his team. Stephen and his wife Cheryl worked with Living Water before she passed away last November. Stephen wanted to take a team back to Honduras to dig a well in her honor.

We leave just a couple of days after the first anniversary of Cheryl’s passing. It is a fitting way to remember and honor Cheryl as she had a heart full of compassion.

Why Living Water?

Why does this organization use this approach to reach communities with the Good News?

PrintHere is what Living Water International says about it:

 Water is the foundation of all sustainable development.


  • Health and Hygiene

Half of the world’s hospital beds are filled with people suffering from water-related conditions—illnesses that could be easily prevented. Safe water, a toilet, and clean hands could prevent 90% of them.

  • Education

Globally, water-related diseases steal 443 million school days a year and shrink kids’ cognitive potential. (UN News Centre 2010)

  • Economy

Without easy access to safe water, time is wasted walking for water, and hours of productivity are lost to illness.

  • Christian Witness

Our concern is for whole people—physical and spiritual. As followers of Jesus, we know he has the power to transform people, restore relationships and address factors that lead to poverty, hunger and thirst.

  • Sustainability

For all of these things to be effective for the long-term, we have to involve the community from the beginning. We’re learning alongside the communities we serve that projects are most sustainable when they respond to both need and demand, when financing is carefully thought through, and when management is handled locally with lots of ongoing support.

Visit Living Water International for more information about their ministry.

I identify with the approach that Living Water uses to work with communities.

It is important to address both the physical and spiritual needs of a community. Sustainability is vital otherwise the time and money spent is a waste.

To read more of my thoughts of what is important any time someone goes on a short-term mission trip, read this blog.

I expect a bittersweet trip.

Because the trip is one year after Cheryl’s passing, I know we will experience some sadness. I also expect us to share many stories about how Cheryl loved people therefore impacting many.

I also know that I will forge some new friendships even though I will be in Honduras for a few days. If you open your heart to others your hearts quickly become knit together.

Will you commit to pray for me and our team?  Please let me know by leaving a comment. 

About the Author

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I am a longtime Austinite. Married my beautiful wife over 35 years ago. Adopted our son September 2012.
As a small business and nonprofit coach/consultant, I have found my sweet spot. I lean on my varied background of corporate, small business ownership, writing, and pastoring as I work to help small business owners and nonprofit founders build the business they want to have.

  • Kenny,
    What a great effort! While helping others, you are also helping a brother. I am glad you will be there to help Stephen.

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